About This Comic

Don't Get Any Ideas is a jumble of social commentary and life experiences, espoused mainly by two characters with differing worldviews but a common affinity for depth, sincerity, and questioning norms. It updates on Thursdays in the fall and winter, and has a seasonal hiatus in the spring and summer.

Content Warnings:

This comic contains adult themes, controversial ideas, and some strong language. It does not contain any uncensored nudity, graphic sex, graphic violence, or gore. For details, you can look at the sensitive topics page.


Please share the comics freely on social media. Just make sure you don't remove the credits at the bottom. More copyright information

About Me

If you have any questions or interesting things to say about the comic, don't hesitate to email me. I love getting messages from readers:

My Art & Comics website
My Patreon

My other projects:
Oops Sorry - a collection of simple standalone humor comics
Think Before You Think - the webcomic I made for 10 years before launching this one
Averting the Flame Wars - a blog about communication by me and my sister Melanie